Aims and Scope
Our site is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing the latest and best research on emerging threats to human health. Its focus is threats from any source, including the environment, chemicals, radiation, pathogens, and society. It welcomes papers on the preparedness and response to natural or man-made disasters, including those that involve the deliberate release of chemical, biological, or radionuclear material. Content will be determined by novelty and scope of the threat, and by scientific excellence. The Journal welcomes investigative studies that promote the understanding of factors involved in the emergence, prevention, and elimination of health threats. Articles on lessons learned from disaster and crisis response are particularly encouraged. The Journal seeks high-quality submissions from academic, industrial, clinical practice, public health, and government research and planning sectors across all of these areas.
Types of articles
Original research articles
Priority will be given to original research that is novel, broad in scope, and of the highest scientific standard. The text of articles should be divided into sections with the headings: Abstract (of 250 words), Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Long articles may need subheadings within some sections (especially the Results and Discussion sections) to clarify their content. Articles should not exceed 3000 words from the beginning of the Introduction to the end of the Discussion, which is approximately six journal pages, when tables, figures, and references are also included. Photographs and illustrations in colour are encouraged. The articles will be peer reviewed
These are focused, detailed, fully referenced contributions of widespread interest of between 2500 and 4000 words, containing several high-quality illustrations. Reviews are generally commissioned but unsolicited contributions are welcome and all will be peer reviewed; in the first place, contact the Chief Editor here. To ensure reviews are balanced and comprehensive, the search strategy and selection criteria for material should be documented.
Policy Reviews
These describe strategic measures, codes, or guidelines developed as preparedness or response to health threats or disasters. The articles précis governmental or specialist society reports on, for example, the organization of a specialist service, the suitability of employing screening methodologies in a given population, or the optimal way of preparing for a major incident. The articles will be peer reviewed.